
Distance Learning Program is a global concept all over the world in different form and method with an aim to train professional & nonprofessional personnel in order to develop a system of awareness and referral. Awareness of health condition and events promotes the system of referral to tertiary center for the management of those conditions that would otherwise cause delays and results in adverse events.

Hypertension (HTN), Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) and Heart failure (HF) are global challenge among the Non communicable Disease (NCD), particularly in the under developed countries like Bangladesh. The early detection, awareness and subsequent management would be a major milestone for combating these conditions.

To achieve this objective, training of general practitioners would be a rational approach to   hasten the detection and subsequent reference for the management of these conditions in the tertiary center.

Health care delivery system, now a days showing a trend to shift from institute and hospital to online organized version. This shift is a need based phenomenon. It is essential to train the general practitioner since the training and knowledge in this subject are not adequate enough, nor can be adequately provided during the pursuance of their degree for medical graduation.  




Rapid increase in number of populations demand, continuous change and improvement in medical care system. Moreover lagging behind in skilled manpower to grasp the state of the art would be hampered unless certain training program like DLP is not adopted for medical graduate and general practitioners.

In developing countries, to develop services in the health care system and to suit the present global trend, it is essential to adopt and adopt a training program for medical graduate and general practitioners to enhance understanding and knowledge through distance learning.  Therefore the training of the medical graduate and general practitioners will help us to fulfill our requisite number of trained doctors required to reach the goal of reaching the CVD health services in a far-flung jones throughout the country.

Our objective is to train the general Physicians on Hypertension (HTN), Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) and Heart failure (HF).

The effectiveness of the project will be achieved through development of skill and knowledge through customized selection and evaluation by means of examination and sample survey of the confidence level of the participants (Trainee) and the affected individuals of NCD.

The Mode of training of the physicians will be carried out by applying our CCD experience. The CCD training was started since 2003 through our extensive tutor centers that are located in the main premises and the other sub centers. The course is now conducted on line and face to face.  Trainee will be evaluated through examination in order to maintain the qualitative character of the program. The evaluation shall conclude with examination followed by certification.


The resource Persons for the training will be through panel of experts selected through the evaluation of qualification and the status in the medical professionals.