During the last 66 years, Diabetic Association of Bangladesh (BADAS) has gained experience on training of doctors, nurses and technicians, to fulfill its aim to deliver care for diabetes to all. To meet the demand of requisite number of skilled physicians BADAS adopted its policy with time which worth mentioning; a) qualified Medical Graduates (MBBS) since 1952, subsequently; b) on job training; c) Organized Workshops by trainers (local & International faculties); d) Post graduation courses by creating own academy (BIRDEM Academy, 1986); e) Distance learning Program (DLP) to run Regional Tutorial Center based Certificate Course in Diabetology (CCD) since 2003; MD Cardiology in ICHRI. Now more than 15000 registered medical graduate of Bangladesh completed Certificate Course on Diabetology (CCD). BADAS has been organized to launch online versions of the DLP course. This will not only meet the increasing demand of home and abroad but also to improve the standard by expanding facility, updating the existing trained doctors.

Having such an experience and technical resource, BADAS now wants to initiate and run an online program to develop manpower on Cardiac Health Care, utilizing its Ibrahim Cardiac Hospital & Research Institute. The primary aim of the project is to train General Physicians on Hypertension, Acute Coronary syndrome and Heart Failure for early detection, initiation of treatment, follow-up and appropriate referral.